Magic Jack
Fraud and scam

Internet & Web / Online Scam

I have had the magicjack since March. I loved it. The calls were clear and reliable. I enjoyed my service for almost six months when suddenly there was no dial tone on my phone. I checked the software and I was able to dial and make calls using the microphone and speakers on my PC, but not using a phone extension. I mean, isn't that the point of the MagicJACK? That it is supposed to be a jack so you can dial from a phone.

Thinking that I could report the problem, I got online with their live chat. Chad (the live chat rep), took me through almost an hour and a half of "try this", and "Now try this". I did everything he asked and it still did not fix the problem. At about one hour and twenty minutes, I asked to speak to a supervisor. I was then transferred (via chat) to Mylene (who claimed to be a supervisor). She began to diagnose all over again. I stopped her and said that I had been through all of this and that I just wanted my 20.00 product replaced. I told her that there clearly was a problem and that they should stand behind their product and replace it. She flat out told me that she WILL not replace until they can diagnose the problem. She then began to give me more "Try this". I told her that I had no intention of allowing her to waste more of my time. I told her that I would file a complaint about their poor customer care and give she and Chad a low review. She told me to go right ahead. This is exactly the kind of crap that has been allowed during the "Bush" administration. Legalized rip offs. DO NOT FALL FOR MAGICJACK! You will be disappointed sooner or later.

Company: Magic Jack
Country: USA
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Magic Jack
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Magic Jack
Unuseable telephone service

Magic Jack
Must Read - I don't know if I should laugh of cry?!?!?!?! Chat Transcript - Me asking if Magic Jack can dial my conference call number... - Magic Jack Complaints

Magic Jack
MagicJack Would not easily refund service that never worked consistently.internet

Magic Jack

Magic Jack
SCAM, No renewal, buy new jack
False online advertising on live chat support

Magicjack magic jack is a rip off

Customer service is terrible when it comes to getting a replacement box if your Magic Jack goes bad