Green Tea Pro
Do not order this

Internet & Web / Online Scam

It is allegedly endorsed by Oprah. You are supposed to be able to cancel within 14 days by e-mail or telephone. The e-mails are returned and there is a recording that gives you a non-existent website when you call the phone number that they provide. Don't do it! It is a scam! I just e-mailed Oprah's people through her website to see if they know anything about it. Other consumers have said that their credit cards were charged because they were unable to cancel. This is definitely a fraud because they make it impossible to cancel within the required timeframe.

Company: Green Tea Pro
Country: USA
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Green Tea LLC

Green Tea Pro
They withdrew $84.90 from my bank accout without permission

Trex/Green Tea & Green Tea Pro
Central Coast Nutraceuticals, Inc. Green Tea Diet Pills SCAM!

No support, just a rip off that takes your money!

Acai Berry Detox
Reoccuring credit card charges for unordered product, refusal to cease sending

Acia Berry Maxx - Fx Supplements
Claim to be free if cancelled withing 14 days, but could not get through busy line to cancel

Green Tea LLC
Green Tea scam

HoodiaPlex Labs
No Grace Period Allowed HERE

Fx Supplements - Acai Berry Maxx
Acai berry fraud

HoodiaPlex Labs
Hoodia Complex W / Green Tea Dietary Supplement SCAM FRAUD DECEIT CON and DECEPTION to name a few for this company I can't believe I fell for it!