CIC Triple Advantage
Registered for support I never obtained and didn't desire or require!

Internet & Web / Online Scam

CIC is billing me regular to get a support I don't employ, don't require and cannot appear to quit. I'll contact them, create them, record them towards the BBB and also to the attorneygeneral. Pity on CIC!

Company: CIC Triple Advantage
Country: USA
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Unathorized charges

CIC Triple Advantage
They are billing for service I never requested

CIC Triple Advantage /
Held getting my card after I canceledQ

CIC Triple Advantage
Misleading membership sign-up

CIC Triple Advantage
Never request the support and got billed in my own creditcard
They will cheat you out of your money!

Our little church (under 25) has INVOLUNTARY DISSOLUTION last year but nrai keep billing us
No referrals for fees paid

CIC Triple Advantage
Unauthorized CC charges

Aspire Visa
Unauthorized billing