Patobryan.com Pat O'Bryan bad functioning site, lousy customer support, unauthorised removal from mailing list

Internet & Web

I was pleased to get a mail in which Pat O'Bryan informed me of his new program: The 7 dollar zone. Which is a great idea, to sell good products for a reasonable price.
So I bought the first offers: Video Marketing 101 and Law of Attraction introduction.
But here the trouble started already, because I received a downloadlink for this Law of Attraction. And the confirmation mail gave for both programs the same order number. And I got no payment confirmation from PayPal. I tried again with PayPal and then it was allright. I mentioned this problem to his customer support but never got an answer.

A week later I received an offer for Listbuilding, and I wanted to buy this from the seven dollar zone. But there where problems with the PayPal buying again.
Now the problem was even worse: after buying with PayPal I was supposed to sent through to the vendors, but this took not seconds (as it was supposed to be), but minutes and nothing happend.
So I clicked on the button if you are not send through within 10 seconds.). Again the same: nothing happend and I came back on the page to decide for Creditcard Payment or PayPal payment. I got the PayPal confirmation, but received no downloadlink.

I mentioned this again to the customer support, but they never responded to me in any way.
After five days of waiting, and no answer, I had no other option than to send an other email and ask for a Refund. And I had to search the internet to find an other emailadres where I could go to, (in the hope that this email was responded to) to ask for that Refund, which I got, on the 23th of May.

And worse: as a result of my complaint and asking for a refund: I discovered that I received no emails anymore from Pat OBryan, and no new 7 $ offers as well.

That means that I had been deleted from your email list WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE OR CONSENTMENT.
This is in fact very Illegal, but l as well:
-they did this without my authorisation —without ever asking or telling me—without any reason
-they were not permitted by me to do so

All this means that his customer support is not only very lousy (not responding to emails) but is acting in a way I have never seen before. And this way of acting is unbelievable as well. Because with this removal they withhold me from buying the programs (and offers) I can use to build my own internet business.

I sent also a personal letter with all this to mr Pat O'Bryan, of which I found the address on the internet, but received never an answer, or email about this "lousy service".

So people, be aware of this.

Company: www.patobryan.com
Country: USA
Site: patobryan.com
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Advance Intelligence / Comtex Co. Ltd./optics@loxinfo. co. th/adva@ksc. th.com
They are liars!

Consumer Report

Transcendent Innovations
Yourfreehdrv.com never recieved order after completing requirements 8. Responded to my support ticket 10. Never received my payment. Since then they have ignored my support tickets

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RAMOS & RAMOS, Company did not give return as promised. Refused to refund my purchase, rather he sent me money via PayPal which PayPal reversed

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Does not honor money back guarantee. Does not respond to emails. No support

Steven kosmerchock (d.B.A. Xavien) ordered model rocketry electronics/parts -never rcvd them. Paypal funded & charged. Xavien refuses to answer emails/send products. Ordered jan 07. Paypal "investigating"