Just Been Paid/ProfitClicking
Profit Clicking One of the biggest scam jobs on the net

Internet & Web

I am convinced that Profit Clicking (the one time Just been Paid) is going to become one of the biggest rip offs we've seen in a while on the internet.

The supposed owner, Frederick Mann, who no one has ever seen, has taken every precaution to not being found anywhere on the map. They say he's retired, but the address for the "new owners" of PC who it to be owned by the same individual. (whomever he or they are).

I joined a couple of years ago when they first started out and knew that it would be a simple, flash in the pan, type of gimmick, but that it might be fun for Christmas. However, as it grew I began feeling uneasy about the shady dealings. A cult-like mentality toward this "Mr Mann" character who no one even knew, and also a comaradarie among greedy members that is only seen typical of cults made me stop to think twice. So, I got out all of my money and sat back and listened to the conference calls, and watched as things began to slow. At this point (about a year ago) I knew the "bait and switch" would have to come. There were far too many members for Mann and Pearson to risk not being stalked down and lynched. Also, some of the people involved, such as Carl Pearson, would be easy to find. No, it was time for the baiting of more money so they could switch tactics and seem to not be letting people down and at the same time seemingly disappear.in August of this year, that is exactly what they did. Without approval from any of the investors (and yes, let's call a spade a spade, that's what they are), and without any prior notice whatsoever; they became Profit Clicking.

Or did they? After 3 months, the site is still begging for more money and more people to refer to them and yet it is not even paying out daily as it says it is. Simply put, they don't have money to payout and that's why the urgency for referrals. And who is this new "Doc" guy? Where is he? How would one go about taking the million dollar challenge? (and boy would I love to). But it's all under wraps. You'll never find anyone to make that bet with.

This is going to be one big disaster and incredibly sad for those who have too much invested. After working in Live Chat for some time, I realized that none of the support desk people even knew for sure what was going to happen, and they encourage each other to lie and use "pre-mades" to tell people what they want to hear to get rid of them.

This is going to beat out 12 Daily Pro and some of the other now infamous businesses as one huge disaster. If you have money in PC, take it out as soon as you can (even though they are not really paying out. Still try) and then run like hell. Don't look back, don't play a part in this; and do not take the patent seriously. It doesn't have the name of Profit Clicking on it, and they're counting on you to not notice. And as far as the Alexa ranking, there are 70,000, 000,000 sites that can say the same.

Run. Don't walk.

Company: Just Been Paid/ProfitClicking
Country: USA
Site: profitclicking.com
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Profit Clicking
Holding members money

Profit Clicking
Just Been Paid This is now a pay per click adverstising

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