WHT Host - whthost.com
WHT Host, Also Whthost.com, Cancles After Billed For Current Cycle With Reciept ripoff, ignore reciept, ignore contacts, fraud

Internet & Web

I recieved a reciept stating my account was paid for in full for the current billing cycle being the next 30 days of service of web hosting, the next day they call saying I cancled and that all files on the server would be deleted if I did not pay, the funds were maid available and they gave reciept stating it was paid for the next 30 days, regardless if they took the money or not is there problem, we provided it like normal and cancled the paypal subscription a day after recieving the receipt stating they had got the funds for the next 30 days, something don't add up here, something happened on their end, we rulled out our end. I say it is fraud trying to get us to pay twice for a service!

We lost many web sites that hadn't yet been backed up, other clients sites!

All I know is that this company is run by one person his name is Michel, he leases from Layared Technology in Texas, USA and sells chunks of the space with complete control technology out at great prices, but he comitted fraud, and on all the emails I sent I have yet to here a thing back to what is up, tell me that isn't suspecious!

Company: WHT Host - whthost.com
Country: USA
Site: www.whthost.com
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