The Coaching Department
Ken Sonnenberg Mislead me into purchasing Coaching for a program they were not affiliated with

Internet & Web

I received a call from a man claiming he was from Commission Cash Code, a company I had recently joined to make money online. He asked me if I would be interested in some one on one coaching to help build my commission cash code business. Which I told him I would be. He asked me if I had a credit card, what was the limit and how much was currently on the card. He then told me i would receive another call from Commission Cash code to see if I qualify for the coaching. I then received another call from another man claiming to be from Commission Cash Code and he proceeded to tell me that he was offering me 12 months coaching to build my CCC business and would I be interested if I just make a one off payment up front of $999 and then be able to make monthly instalments as I started to make money from CCC.

I told him I would be interested in that and he then proceeded to interview me and prospect me. I felt pressured as he told me if I was not committed 100% he wouldnt work with me, so I didnt feel like I could ask a lot of questions. He then asked for my credit card details. Before I gave him my details I verified with him that he was from Commission Cash Code and that the training I would be receiving would be to build my CCC business which he confirmed. I then proceeded. I then received an email with a contact attached and was prompted to quickly sign that. I didnt even get time to read the contract as he was very pushy. After I signed the contract he basically hung up on me.

I felt violated and became very emotionally distraut. I then emailed Commission Cash Code to tell them that I felt I had just been scammed into purchasing some coaching but to this date have never received a reply. I then called my bank to ask if they could stop the payment which they could not because I have this person my credit card details. A few days later I still hadnt received a receipt of my payment of $999 or a copy of the contract. I received a call from the coaching department to book in my first coaching session with Cameron. When Cameron called me, I asked him if he was affiliated with CCC which he would not give me a straight answer. I received 2 or 3 coaching sessions from cameron before I realised he was not affilated with Commission Cash Code so I then started to send email requests to the Coaching Department asking them to cancel my account.

I got a call from Scott Shultz who told me that I had missed the cancellation window which was three days and that it was stated in the contract. I have been through the online contract that they sent me and cannot see anything relating to cancellations. I am now being harassed by the Monetery Financial Services to pay the remaining of the $3164.39 which would come off my credit card in $130 payments. I have cancelled my credit card so they can no longer do this but have now been threatened that Monetery Financial Services will hand the matter over to a debt collection agency. I am no longer receiving coaching and only received 4 calls but they will not cancel my account but have marked it as my coaching is complete. I still to this date have not received a receipt of my first payment of $999 or a copy of the signed contract.

Company: The Coaching Department
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Orem
Address: 1411 W 1250 S Ste 101
Phone: 8668504871
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