Video Professor

Internet & Web

I thought I was doing an online survey to get free stuff and this company first took 2.95 for a free cd I never got and then on the 20th Sept took 69.95. This all started out from publishing clearing house offering me an online survey in order to get free items. Just wanted to let people know about this and I have already sent info to my bank and to the company that ripped me off! I will let you know what happens.

Jacksonville, Florida

Company: Video Professor
Country: USA
Phone: 8005257763
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Video Professor
Ripoff robbed my account

Video Professor
Sent me materials i didn't ask for and charged my credit card 70.00 bucks without my consent internet

Video Professor
Video Professor Ripoff Dishonest Fraudulent Billing

Video Professor
Ripoff, deceptive billing practices, misleading and false advertising, this is not a simple order, it is a reccuring charge that not revealed until charges appear on your credit care Ripoff
Consumer Report

My gift for taking an online survey A watch free for only paying 5.95 shipping and handling charges. One month later they charged my account $98.00. My free watch suddenly became very expensive and c

Video Professor Inc
Repeated charges on card for items/services not ordered

Video Professor -
Unauthorized Credit Card Charges ripoff scam artist Internet

Video Professor &
Video Professor & Yourgiftcards ripoff

Video Professo
Video Professor is a scam!