Jill Stoll - Ebay
Ripoff Defauded $200 Sold me Fake LV bag from outside of ebay. Promised refund but no response

Internet & Web

Jill Renfrow (the seller) sold me a un-authentic LV bag after the ebay auction. But she was reserved the price and I was not the highest bidder. (The auction number was 6700666143, and her ID was kirbygrl81) She promised me to refund me the purchased price if the bag is not authentic.

Finally, I got the bag but it is proved to be not authentic. (I have all the pictures taken to prove that the bag was not authentic.) So I emailed her and she promised me to refund me the money after I sent her back the bag. I sent her back the original one as all accessories were inside the box. I was using UPS three days shipping and I have the tracking number. She got the bag (I knew it because I got the tracking), but she never emailed me from then.

I emailed her ten times and sent her "request money form" for multiple times, but seems like she doesn't want to reply or something. Totally no response. (She replied me so fast before the bag was sold to me). I have already kept all pictures and screenshots of the auction. I do also have the copy of emails and her living address that she sent me. This seller is a liar! Watch out!

Company: Jill Stoll - Ebay
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: Jefferson City
Address: 1314 Grandview Drive
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