Blue Sky Ventures Inc
Refund request

Internet & Web

Equest my money back because the product is nothing of what I expected. It is not suitable for narmal person, very complex, no easy instructions, no help. Besides the amount charged is wrong should have been 97 usd ando not 202,99 usd.

Company: Blue Sky Ventures Inc
Country: USA
State: Wyoming
City: Cheyenne
Address: 109 East 17th Street, #25
Phone: 8773452224
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Blue Sky Ventures Inc
Claiming refund

Blue Sky Ventures Inc
Claiming refund

Blue Sky Ventures Inc
Internetprofitpacker claim

Blue Sky Ventures Inc
Claiming refund

Blue Sky Ventures Inc
Claiming refund

Blue Sky Ventures ltd
Internetprofitpacket refund claim request

Blue Sky Ventures Inc
Claiming refund

Blue Sky Ventures Inc
Claiming refund

Blue Sky Ventures Inc
Claiming refund

Blue Sky Ventures Inc
Claiming refund