Daily Razor
DailyRazor.com Double billing on two different accounts, won't refund my money

Internet & Web

I've been hosting my web site with DailyRazor for years. A few years ago I was double billed, and when I notified them, they refunded me the money.in they did this again, to two of my accounts. If you do a web search on "Daily Razor double billing", you will find this is a common thing they do.

They do the second billing about three weeks after the first, so it shows up on a different monthly bill. I didn't notice this for a while. The second account, for a customer of mine, they did the same thing. When I notified them about three weeks ago, they said they refunded the one account, and in a couple days, they'd refund the other account. I just checked, and they didn't refund anything. I've been emailing their billing dept for several days now, they do not answer my emails any more.

Needless to say I'm moving my accounts off of this service, but this company is just purely ripping people off, they've been doing it for years and getting away with it. These people need to be put in jail.

Company: Daily Razor
Country: USA
State: Maine
City: Lanham
Address: 9320 Annapolis Road, Suite 310
Phone: 18009756814
Site: dailyrazor.com
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