Brain Host
Brain host refuses to back their services

Internet & Web

This is not the first issue I have had with Brain Host; but, I can assure you that it will be the last.

Prior to the expiration of my domain name, I contacted Brain Host and ask them to renew the name for me. Being the trusting one I am, I never double-checked t make sure that they had correctly honored my request. Lo and behold, in the middle of a product launch, my website suddenly disappeared. After considerable research, I discovered that Brain Host did not have my domain in their inventory - telling me only that, contrary to my prior directions, my domain name had not been renewed.

After submitting one (1) customer service request and two (2) phone call directly to customer service, I received no satisfaction - only the "run-around". Customer service is a joke - no body would listen to me unless I became belligerent - perhaps hostile would be more accurate. Two (2) times I was promised that a "manager" would call me back to discuss the issue. One (1) actually did and left me a generic message; but only the general telephone number with no specific extension (talk about avoiding contact). The second promised call never came through.

It would have been so simple for Brain Host to admit their mistake, offer to recapture and renew the domain name (at their expense) and reestablish to website rather than trying to make me "the bad guy". What would it have cost them - certainly less than $25.00 and about half-an-hour's work, at most.instead, they chose to antagonize a client and possibly loose the account - as well as a ton of good will.

Needless to say, you will not find me endorsing Brain Host or it's "services". My recommendation is to stay as far away from them as possible - unless you are a masochist or enjoy throwing you money away. It's a cinch that you will never receive an assistance with any problems. Buyer Be Ware!!

Company: Brain Host
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Brunswick
Address: 3660 Center Road Suite 363
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