Soft For Sale
Ripoff nondelivery of goods purchased - 3 months and counting

Internet & Web

I purchased some software from an online discount store located at That was three months ago and the software still has not been delivered.

After waiting about two months for my merchandise I sent an email to their so called customer support department. I was not rude. I did not curse. I did not make threats. I simply inquired about the status of my order. About a week went by and still no merchandise and no response to my inquiry. I sent another inquiry. No response. Yet another inquiry - still no response. I threatened to go to the BBB. No response. I began sending emails daily. To this day they have NOT responded to ANY of my inquiries or complaints and I still have not received the merchandise that I ordered.

YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED ; This company is not in the business of selling software. They are in the business of RIPPING people off. They take YOUR money and disappear. You will never receive anything from them. Take a look at their website if you are curious but DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE give them your hard earned money. Please pass the word.

Thank you

Company: Soft For Sale
Country: USA
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