Pioneer Marketers
Pioneermarketers.Biz promised 14,531 email records of a certain target of interest for our needs. They delivered bogus emails of people who did not work in the target market at all

Internet & Web

Pioneer Marketers offered email and contact list that was to be for a targeted market of interest for our needs. Pioneer had indicated they could provide 14,531 records for Food Animal Vets, Food Animal Nutritionists and Swine Producers.instead they provided a list of about 14,000 names/email addresses that were bogus and simply "animal" related. We obtained people who worked for pet stores, heavy equipment with name bobcat in it, automotive companies... Very few (about 20 people out of 14,000) that were food animal or swine related.

We also were to obtain names from different countries and most non-U.S. Companies counts were extremely low vs. What they had sold to us. We have tried and tried to reach them to determine a plan. We had confirmed with them their email verification process including following spam and opt-in laws for all countries of interest. We had also check THEIR references and received glowing references. They insisted we pay the money upfront.

Which we did of course given their direction of what we would receive. We have a contract with them. They did NOT deliver on their side of the contract. And we have given them ample opportunity to make the situation right for about 2 weeks. They now are not returning our phone calls, emails and using bogus phone numbers in which all calls go to a generic voice mail. There are many complaints about them if you check them out on the Internet.

Showing they are in Austin, TX to Idaho to Florida. We have also been hit with lots of emails from people saying they never opted-in to their lists of which they were to only provide 100% opt-in email lists. As much as we simply wanted the list they offered, we now feel we have been scammed given they are doing NOTHING to make amends and ensure our customer satisfaction. I suspect Tom Nelson does NOT exist as their President. All indications are showing this company does not want to truly satisfy their customers.

Company: Pioneer Marketers
Country: USA
State: Idaho
Address: 111 Congress Ave, Suite 400, Austin, TX 78701-4143
Phone: 8884001602
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