Daily deal Internet

Internet & Web

I found this website while looking for 'daily deal' websites online. They looked to have good items, so when something came up (1200 thread count sheets) on sale for around $55, I ordered (paypal thankfully).

3 weeks later, I have no update about my order, so I put in an online request asking where my order is. They 'claim' they take 3-4 weeks to ship (which seems extremely excessive to me). The next day, I get an order 'shipping confirmation' email, which included a link to a tracking # on the USPS website. It didn't work when I got it, but I figured it would take 24 hours to update. Not a big problem.

3 days later, I get a 2nd email, with the same link to the USPS showing my item has shipped.

Wait, it's shipped again? No, they never shipped it out the first time. So, time to call them and speak to someone to get an answer.

I call their customer service line, and the phone jockey there looks up my order, and then tries to explain to me that the item was actually shipped via FedEx, but would be transferred to the USPS for delivery.
Yeah, i was scratching my head at that one too.

I ask for a supervisor.

The guy I was working with, laughed at me, and then put me on hold for FIFTEEN MINUTES, coming back saying he was trying to find a supervisor.

So finally I get 'Gale' on the phone. She tries to give me the same reasons, and then claims that they printed the shipping tag on the 16th of April (monday), but that it wasn't actually shipped out of their warehouse until the 20th (thursday, 4 days later), and that it wouldn't be delivered for yet another 5 days (april 25th).

I placed my order on March 27th. It took until April 25th to get it?

This company will NOT give a straight answer, they remove any non-glowing post from their FB wall, and have no idea about customer service. Avoid!!!

Company: NoMoreRack
Country: USA
Address: nomorerack Retail Group #154 - 1917 West 4th Ave V
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Feel misled by Sahalie

M&A Global Charged Credit Card and has never sent product or refunded money. Continues with phony exscuses

Original Keyless
Horrible service

Heavens Little Stuff Charged my account but no merchandise received, gave bogus tracking numbers. Norwalk
Gives run around, shipping lies including method and place shipping from
Can't get their story straight
Fails to complete any website guarantees or sales obligations

The Buckle Runner
No response to calls or emails! Owner John Jacobs
After 21 days, we had the USPS check on the item and we found out that the USPS NEVER RECEIVED the package

Abc Distributing
Invalid tracking snappy rude unapologetic lengthy wait time no delivery ripoff