Activision and Facebook
Infinity ward, Bobby Kotik, Sony Playstation 3 Activision organizing cyber attacks on gamers. Facebook is what Activision relies on to help spread false rumor from millions to hundreds of millions of people

Internet & Web

Activision has been caught RED HANDED!!! As much as I would like to give my opinion on how disgusting and vile Activision is for targeting mentally challenged young adults, however lets just go over the facts.

The person targeted here is a mentally challenged young adult. (his name will remain anonymous due to his inability to defend his mental capacity) His gamertag is KIDxVEGAS

This poor kid as a child was brutally bullied by adolescent teenagers in school for having to ride the handicap little bus along with being different than the other kids. To ride that little bus you must have serious mental challenges. (I feel horrible now about the way i would refer to those children back when I was young and dumb. The mentally challenged are little angels with a free ticket to heaven as far as I'm concerned).

This young man KIDxVEGAS is an inspiration to many. His dream was to serve in the Military however that isn't reality and defies the hand he was delt. He says that its exciting to play with real Military people and I see his eyes light up and he starts talking fast and smiles when Military people include him and let him play with them (those are military heros setting example of compassion). He looks forward to his games " Look! I'm controlling the TV!"then awing in amazement. I try to play with him as much as I can.
I looked at his profile again today and it was still altered and had to help the family delete facebook off the Activision account so they slow down on attacking him.

At the end of January KIDxVEGAS was banned for 48 hours (I picked him up and brought him to my house so he could play there.) He doesnt know why he was banned nor does Activision. (there is no reason to ban him, most of the time hes silent unless Military people are on there.) When his account came back up his account had been altered by Activision. He was level 480 (6th prestige) and was brought back to level 1. All of his hundreds of his trophies were taken away. His KDR was altered to make him look stupid so nobody would play with him and entice people to attack him. Activision took all his kills and left him with only deaths. KID is an inspiration because inspite of what you would think, he plays very well. LOL we would can him a camper by the way he plays but his kills were aprox 30,000 and deaths aprox 12,000. I dont even play that well myself! He was very upset and I have been worried about him because of this. He cried because "My game is mean and hates me" he shared with me. His family and I have heard the nasty hurtful slur that were being used to hurt him because of what Activision falsified on his account. I told him lets contact the company I'm sure they will see this is a mistake and will reverse it, maybe even give him a little present for hurting him accidentally. I've heard of this tactic being used to get rid of and punish hackers that modify their playstations (but in KID's case I know 100% thats impossible for him to do.) I helped him contact the company and had several conversations with Activision support. Activision support consulted within and stand by the decision.

After 3 conversations with them... One agent laughed when I told them his reputation is being assassinated do to integration with facebook. "Haha, thats why I didnt link mine with Facebook" Activision support replied. He tried to continue playing but is attacked every time he goes on Modern Warfare 3. He went from level 480 back to 1 and now 81. He doesnt play it anymore and would rather sit and do nothing than do what he spent every waking moment doing before the attack. We wrote letters to all companies involved and absolutely no contact or response back. I took a picture of how they changed it and sent it to activision legal department to show them in detail whats going on and will go to the police if not handled. Then they falsified his account stats again trying to cover it up but they were unaware that he stopped playing and when they were to change his numbers again on him his time played will be the same as it was before. So now there is no question they messed with his stats and by the. 35 KDR he is currently slammed with is just cruel and unusual punishment for a mentally challenged innocent person. He didnt do anything to deserve this. The pictures show proof of an attack. I urge gamers and the whole community to stand up for KIDxVEGAS by sending him a friend request and playing with him. Hes awesome and inspirational. He deserves better than this and we should be ashamed of anyone who lashes out at a mentally challenged person. The family has evidence to back up everything and will provide on request.

Activision # 310-255

Company: Activision and Facebook
Country: USA
Phone: 13102552000
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