Wpi *friends
Ripoff - fraudulent charges

Internet & Web

This company charged me separately twice for a total of $9.95 for services or items I have never purchased. Reading the other filed reports, I am shocked to learn about the recent frauds committed by this company. I called my credit card ASAP to cancel my card. I've also learned that these type of fraudulent charges are common, as fraudsters capitalize on those who do nothing or those who do not even realize they have been defrauded. It is not the amount of the fraudulent charge I'm upset about, it is the principle and time wasted! I am sick of asshole CEOs from Enron, Worldcom, credit card companies, and these schmuck Internet business owners that are hurting innocent people just to get rich!

Company: Wpi *friends
Country: USA
Phone: 8002439726
Site: www.ifriends.net
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