
Internet & Web, or webcapades is the biggest rip off on the internet. What the authors of these other reports state are factual, and I am glad to see many of the abused parties speaking out. Eroticy does not charge women for accounts, for their profit is made in the men that join this site. Many of the women in the site are fake (a word that is not allowed to be typed in the room), and are properly named as worker bees. These worker bees work anywhere from 50-100 accounts, which explains why some of your favorite women do not stay in the room any length of time, and disappear for weeks at a time. The CM in the room (otherwise known as Lisa), will deny fervidly that she is the owner, or web mistress.

Go to some of the pornographic websites, and you will be appalled at some of the people you see. I keep in touch currently with 200-300 people I spoke with in the room for almost three years, and none of them have ever met a woman from this site. When asked to meet, the women will always come up with an excuse.

Workers bees such as Wyoming Cowgirl, Britta, and Calla draw the men in, but their presence in the room is short lived due to other female accounts they must present to the room. Men won't join if the quota of women is not met when they access their free trial period.

Many reports have also stated that Eroticy will keep charging your credit card. Watch for this when giving your credit card information out.

I was in the room for almost 3 years and kept my mouth shut to many of the men that were rude, arrogant, and outright nasty. I even talked 12 people from work into joining the site, but that was a bad thing as far as the CM is concerned. Since we used one computer at work, and each went in for a bit, we were accused of making multiple accounts. This was explained to Lisa in an email, but once I was banned, nobody knew of this letter. Email is a wonderful thing because you can save such letters forever in your files.

When I did speak back, I was banned, a ban that consists of having the impolite, haughty, CM state that he is right, and everyone else is wrong.

Many of the people in Eroticy have started noticing this fake operation, and I for one support their decision to leave or not join this site. Eroticy is NOT allowed to give your photos to another site, even if it is an affiliate.

The CM states that she checks your IP address, but changing an IP address is quite simple.
The chat master also stated that she wanted nude photos of me posted or my free account would be short lived. This is no way for a chat master to behave, or a site to operate.

I am plastering this same letter throughout the Internet, in the hopes that many consumers thinking about joining eroticy are made aware of the deceitful actions they function under.

Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Njnlk
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Eroticy Or Webcapades

Eroticy AKA Webcapades

Ripoff My 2 cent's on How Eroticy HAS RIPPED OFF IT's CUSTOMER's!


Eroticy AKA Webacapades
Eroticy is a sham
Ripoff scam fake sh

ERoticy - Webcapades
Ripoff fake! Ripoff! Internet

Eroticy - Webacapades
EROTICY Webcapades rip-off! Springfield Pennsylvania

Eroticy - cherrish
Ripoff of the century Saint Petersburg