Onlinechancen took money from my bank before the 14day free trial was up

Internet & Web

While i was on the internet there was an email stating that if i filled in so many surveys i would win a prize. During this i had to put my bank details in so they could verify who i was. On the same day the 28th february i had a few text messages saying if i answered a question correctly i would be entered into a prize draw.

There was no mention of subscribing to anything. There was no amount stated at all!!! I then checked my bank last night and noticed that there was a payment to some company called onlinechancen, i did not know who they were. I sat at the computer last night and looked on line and managed to find the site.

I then proceeded to read the terms and conditions, which clearly state that there is a 14day free trial and you can cancel anytime. Then it states that no money will be taken until the 14 day trial has expired. Onlinechancen had taken 29.00 from bank one day after i had apparentley subcribed. I have tried contacted them and have had no joy, please can you help me stop this from happening to other people and report them for this scam cause thats what it is.

Country: USA
Phone: 004536947003
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