Site Solutions
Online Fulfillment Corporation Provided none of the services promised and then stole from banking account Internet

Internet & Web

We were contacted by a salesman for the company named "Mike". We discussed trying the services of the company and gave them a one time fee of 199.95. It was a promotional offer supposedly and Mike was in agreeance that there would be no future charges on the account without prior knowledge. We were emphatic on this point. We were told that we would receive an analysis of our web-site as well as information about how we could optimize the site from the website. We were also told that our website would be submitted in multiple search engines and through backlinks to the internet. We were promised a page one placement on Google with many search engine phrases related to our business. We were also promised tracking information on the most pertinent keywords.

We did not receive the analysis until we gave numerous requests. The information given to us concerning how we could optimize our website was not up to date and easily obtained online for free. The keywords suggested were very generic and also easily surmised. For several months, we saw no improvement and continued to list usually on page 6 or 7. At that time, I began to make changes and listings myself. After my efforts, we began to see improvement. This company had to have made no effort on behalf of our business or we would have seen improvements before I got addition, the daily website analysis code could not be downloaded onto the site. I forwarded it to the website manager and he said it could not be done.

We checked our business account this week to find that we had been renewed and an additional charge of 199.95 was deducted. We tried talking to the company but we were repeatedly told that no one was available. We were treated with very rude, unprofessional behavior. We filed a complaint with our bank and then, all of a sudden, there were plenty of people available. The company reversed the charges after we had already filed the complaint. They have since threatened our positioning on the internet. I feel threatened and I am worried about shadow links and other things this company may have created.

Beware. Do not use this company. They make sales and provide no customer service or any of the services promised.

Company: Site Solutions
Country: USA
Address: 5098 Foothills Blvd # 3136, Roseville, CA 95747
Phone: 18778552003
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RELATED COMPLAINTS,, I was promised that my website would be put on all search engines, etc. It cost $4049.99 plus monthly payment. It has been since Dec. 2006 and there is no results yet

Internet Advancement
What an unprofessional bunch of hacks... Stay away from Internet Advancement

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A.I.S. Does not provide the SEO, search engine optimization, and site directory submissions as stated in their upgrade package

Internet Advancement
Seems to be out of business

Internet Marketing Technology Aka Top Website Placement
Ripoff Misleading Flim Flam Artists - They claim on their website to "lock you into position" on all of the major search engines. Absolute rubbish

Search Engine Startup
Internet marketing company

Internet Advancement Aka 4GreatBuys
Ripoff promised greatly increased hits to website, orders, failed to deliver. The promises they make are underwhelming if you really understand what's going on

Accesses Your Credit Card Without Your Authorization

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Bill Klein This Search Engine Company is a Scam. They charge you for services not delivered. Be carefull they Make promises that you will make so much money for their work but all they do is take your money lutz
Consumer Report