Billie Sample
Sold a purebred AKC puppy over the internet which arrived not a purebred puppy

Internet & Web

I bought a supposedly purebred Skipperke puppy over the internet from Billie Sample. I had to go on trust without seeing the dog because it wasn't born quite yet. I sent her the money in full in advance to hold the dog for me and keep the tail on the dog.

When I received the dog I did wonder why he did not look like any of the pictures that I had seen of Schipperke Puppies, but really didn't think a whole lot about it and thought maybe that would change. When I started noticing two white spots on the back of his neck and Schipperkes are suppose to be all black I started to wonder.

I wrote to the AKC and they gave told me a person that I could send pictures to. This person told me that it wasn't a purebred and probably a mix. Its coat was not right and the face was not right. It did have the Schipperke eyes though.

I did want a purebred Skipperke for breeding with a friends dog and did pay the purebred price. I did not receive a purebred and am very upset. A dog is not something a person can just get rid of that easily, it is a decision for a long time and I think it is very terrible for someone to send you an animal that is not what you wanted.

I did have problems with her also when it got closer to the time that the puppy was ready to ship. She had said that shipping charges will be around $150.00. When it came closer to the time of shipping I said that I would send her the $150.00. She said that is not what shipping is. You pay when the animal arrives at the airport and you mail me $45.00 for the crate. She had no idea even what shipping was going to be and she had told me it was going to be around $150.00. I don't know anything about shipping and assumed that was going to be the grand total. Nothing was said about the crate. I think that should have been mentioned in the beginning plus paying a questionable amount when it arrives. Do not tell me it is going to be around $150.00 when you don't actually know.

Shortly after the purchase her email address doesn't work anymore. She does not have a web page anymore, at least under the same name.

Company: Billie Sample
Country: USA
State: Arkansas
City: Pleasant Plains
Address: 469 Wilcox Road
Phone: 5013453803
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