Wholesalescout Scam - Help! Internet

Internet & Web

Hi, anyone to help... I have asked my bank to investigate a regular 26.99 coming out of my bank since May first
1.20p then seven days later the debit card every month of 26.99 and I could not stop it at the bank unless I made claim to fraud. The bank just got back to me and all the details I am supposed to have given and they want my comments
and may pay them back the money they have had on hold. I dont remember ever instructing this company even with the 1.20p and now may have to pay over 200 and ongoing if I dont 'cancel' this, could anyone give some advice on the
'scam', I really am worried now about going on the internet and my debit card getting used. I have no recollection about this company.

Company: Wholesalescout.co.uk
Country: USA
Site: wholesalescout.co.uk
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