Phoney promises Internet

Internet & Web

I recieved an email with information for working from home.in order to get more information, I had to pay $79.95. When I did gain access to the site, I realized that there was too much involved for me to go ahead and I tried to stop the charge with the Credit card company. They could not do it until it appeared on a statement. I called the company the next day and was told it was so easy and that I really should try it. He would not just give me a refund. I feel that the money I spent is the most important part of the business. Its a scam.

Company: Homeprofitweb
Country: USA
Site: homeprofitweb.com
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Homeprofit web
Michael harris On december 4 i joined homeprofitweb, upon regestration they ask me to pay 77.95. So i paid that amount, they gave me a password to get access to their website

Members. homeprofitweb.com
You can access all of the exclusive, members-only resources by going to members. Homeprofitweb.com and logging in. Take my money $100, internet

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This is a scam... Please beware Internet

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