Interactive Audio Text Service -
JP Media Also known as JP Media and tons of other rip off phone sex websites

Internet & Web

I am currently a contractor working for IAS as a phone sex actress. I get calls from men led to believe that their call is free, or tell me that they loved the pic of me in my dominatrix outfit that I looked so experienced when I have barely any experience at all in domination. That guy said he was paying $9.99 a minute with a connection fee. As you can see from the top of their site they state 100% free services. The site give no connection to any company other that Starline Communications, but in our employee area, at we are given access to company ads to review. I feel this company is corrupt due to the information portrayed in their ads and the services the caller actually gets. I hear what these guys are paying per minute and I'm thinking"wow. They can easily afford to pay me more than the 8-20 cents a minute." Also pay for us girls is based on talk time average, but callers are able to just push a button to disconnect and then we get a zero added in (which when I was hired I was told they never average in zeros) Or my average gets up to where I'm actually making minimum wage but all of a sudden I get lots of calls dropped at 1 or 2 minutes that lower it back down. It's pretty obvious when the guy calls back and asks me why I disconnected him. And I'm also thinking yup, and you just paid that connection fee again. They advertise TSTV and I don't have a dxck but i have to pretend. They just connect every call that comes in with who ever is available and figure "they'll handle it" or the customer will just hang up (which is good to keep our pay low) or they will try calling back to pay more connection fees. It's win win for them and cruel to the pockets of the callers and to the girls paychecks that are doing all the work.

Company: Interactive Audio Text Service -
Country: USA
State: California
City: Canoga Park
Address: 8053 Deering Ave
Phone: 8005330003
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JP Media - Interactive Audio Text Services
Fraudulent billing to credit or debit cards

USA Chatlines
Cheats it's phone sex operators out of their pay and use shady tactics to lower your rate of pay

Jp Media Interactive Audio Text Services
Jp Media, Interactive Audio Text Services Ripoff! Recommendation from the detective on the case. Las Vegas

JP Media - Interactive Audio Text Services
JP Media Interactive Audio Text Services ripoff - unauthorized credit card charges

Free Access Phone Card ripoff outrageous fraudulent billing for phone cards

Slow Connection Issue

International Satellite Communications
Overcharged $41.91 for each 2 minute phone calls and they dropped one of the calls!

JP Media
Interactive Audio Text Services Fraudulent Billing to Credit Card/Debit Card Autoreward8663352457 Cashrewards8663357377
Scam, involving promise of cash rewards

AT&T Wireless (formerly Cingular)
217 minute error on bill