29 search
They refused to pay me they used many delaying tactics. Not returning phone calls and saying the contract was changed etc

Internet & Web

@9 Search pretends that they are licensed by Google to be able to put various companies on the front page of Google. Not only is their business a scam. They are a study in scamming not only clients, but also their employees They find as many ways as they can to not pay the employees. They lie to their employees by saying that various companies may have dropped out. Chriss Salvaggio is their CEO and is aas big a crook as I have ever met..

Company: 29 search
Country: USA
State: California
City: Carlsbad
Address: cosmo st
Phone: 7604441040
  <     >  


One Box Inc, Temecula, Ca
Formerly The Call Store One Box Inc. Impersonates Google

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Google Inc
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