Sao Tome
Ripoff international

Internet & Web

This is it. They just charged my phone 200 dollars. I cant fined them. The phone co paid them and now just wants there money from me. I track "sao tome" to a island in the caib. Help!!! Call, email, snailmail, Knock on my door! I need my 200 dollars!!

Company: Sao Tome
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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SAO TOME - Zero Plus Dialing
Ripoff Internet

Sao Tome
Ripoff ripoff deception Worldwide

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Tom e proctor is awonderful, man and movie make

They've deceive and lied concerning the strategy tome!

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TOM E PROCTOR AND MARGIE RODGERS ANDPROCTOR tom e proctor commits fraud usaes money on himself thatwas to make a amovie so he lies to all the courts he hasa an affair on his wife besides withkaren

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