Wildblue communications
Bandwidth usage seems manipulated, had service for years, no problems. Now usage is almost double without reason.internet

Internet & Web

I have had this satellite service for a number of years. We had the starter package with a monthly download of 7500MB since we started having satellite internet.in that time we had a few instances of approaching our maximum.in September we went over our usage limit. I upgraded to the next package with a limit of 12000MB every 30 days. Since that time our usage has for the most part stayed over our original maximum usage of 7500MB. We are staying in the last 20 % of our usage range, hovering around 10000MB. I have called tech support a number of times. I have performed virus scans, with no viruses found. They have no explanation as to why this is happening, and just ignore my complaints. I have actually disconnected the satellite a bunch of times, and the usage has gone down, but not very much. I have actually had it go up with no connection. We do not have wireless capability, so I don't see how someone could be pulling from our service. Our usage had been creeping up for weeks, no matter what I did to try to change it.

After making some phone calls, oddly enough, it came down a few 100MB. So I really feel they are able to manipulate this figure at their end. I have had the bandwidth monitor not available for hours and hours at a time. So when you do a history, it goes from the morning of the one day to the morning of the next without any individual readings. We are not doing games, or videos, or movies. Just browsing and our MB is over 10000 every day. So explain this to me, where it isn't some kind of rip off. My daughter is usually the one on here, and she has been out of town since Wednesday. Since she is the one on here over 80 % of the time, seems our figures should be changing, and they are not. We are disconnecting whenever no one is on the internet. I thought there may be programs running whenever the internet is connected, that do not show up. That are starting up whenever the internet is connected whether you have a window open or not. If it is connected and just sitting there. No matter what, something really screwy has just started, and it was right around the time that their satellite went down that it started. I read that the angle being off on the satellite could make some locations require higher MB to do internet, because it is off. The are to switch to a satellite just sent up. I am waiting to see what happens with that. I was assured by customer support and technical support that this couldn't be what has occurred. I think it is a big coincidence.

After their total shut down, my MB was still almost maxed at my former usage level. It was around 7000, it has increased to 10000 and is just hovering around at that level for weeks, since we upgraded.

Company: Wildblue communications
Country: USA
Phone: 18669056768
Site: wildblue.netorwildblue.com
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Dish Network
Sold me wildblue satellite service without informing me of service bandwidth limitations. I signed no contract informing me of limitations. Then Dish Network wanted $600. To cancel service. Satellite Internet

Rip off of usage

WildBlue Communications Inc
Wilbdblue is a rip off, they lie to you out right Albany, Vermont

Verizon Wireless, Verizon
Verizon Verizon refuses to provide current figures on Internet usage, but charges overages EAGERLY

Scandalous behavior, no customer service, all they tell you is to deal with it

Sprint Cell Phone
Company adds minutes to your usage to put you over the limit at the end of the month!

Dish Network
DISH network internet service sucks

Consumer Report

T-Mobile Uses Conveniently Confusing Methods to Measure Usage

Conveniently Confusing Measurements of Mobile Usage