George C. Jobel
Con-man, Avoid at all Costs!

Internet & Web

Avoid this con-man at all costs! This guy fancies himself a smooth talker but he's really just a pathetic swindler. I was hired by George to do a week's worth of web work. I did all of the work, sent him my invoice and never heard back from him. A month later I sent him several emails asking when I could expect payment and received no replies. I tried to call him several times only to get a message saying his number had been temporarily disconnected.

Once I told him that I was going to post as many bad reviews on as many sites as I could find, I got a voice message from him full of excuses about how his sister was supposed to be handling his invoices and someone was sick, and blah blah blah. Re-sent my invoice, nothing. No return email, no check in the mail. It has now been over four months and I have not seen one cent of the money he owes me. This guy is totally unprofessional and if he's asking for you to do work for him, run the other way or you too will get ripped off. Just google his name and all kinds of complaints about him come up. Only wish I had googled him before I did all that work.

Company: George C. Jobel
Country: USA
Address: Concord NH 03301
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George Jobel
Non-Paying Conman

BestBuyWin. Mobi
Consumer Report

Award Payment Data Release Division
Fraud and fake and skam

Integrity Field Services Inc
Refusing to pay, excuses, "checks in the mail" waiting on approval etc

Millard Walke
Consumer Report

Target Contests
Consumer Report

Blah realtor
Blah and kah these guys are frauds and are really unprofessional

Best Buy
Is playing pranks and scamming people

Payday America
Consumer Report

Obey Your Body
Faulty packaging!