M.O.M. Team
Aka moms on a mission pushy and decietful, a group of sneaky little thieves louisville nation wide

Internet & Web

I was kind of what you would say, down on my luck a few weeks ago. While on the itnernet at work one day I get this pop up add on the screenabout "make extra money at home only 29.00 to start" so I thought "this could really be what I need to get back on my feet" So I filled out the information and later that evening I got a call from 'donna' asking when would be a good time to call and talk about the bennefits of the M.O. M team. THATS WHEN I WAS SUCKED IN.

She talked to me about how the average income for someone in the group was about 50,000 dollars a year, and that I did not sell anything or handle money or any kind of paper work, "all you do is sit and wait for your check every month" (which is about 20.00 dollars) it just sounded to good to be true, well guess what, it was.

The next day I recieved a fax, which I was expecting, on how to sign up and how soon I could get started, after talking to 'donna' (for 45 mins about mealleuca, and how safe it was for kids, by the way your not allowed to tell people about how you are affiliated with them over the internet.) I decided to do my own research and found out that everthing that this woman had told me had been an absolutem lie. She told me about how easy it was and that evryone gets the same opportunity as everyone eles and that their are no Quotas to meet, BULL CRAP!!!

If you dont get at least 8 people to sign up in the first month then you get kicked out and you don't get your money back.

The way that you connect people withthis company is through pop up add's on the internet. Yes, thats right those annoying little adds that everyone ignores. Your not allowed to e-mail anyone or send out invitations in the mail it's all based on the internet, and god help you if you brake one of thier rules, you are scollded like a child and made to feel like you degraded the founder of the group and all that they stand for.

Now don't let me forget to tell you about the car. If you become a senior diector of the group, they give you 400.00 dollars a month in your "car fund". This is where they got me. But what you don't know is that you have to go out and buy a BRAND NEW CAR YOURSELF. And then they give the money each month toward the payments. Now, they tell you that they are doing this to help you better your buissness, but your business is on the computer. Now why would they help you buy a car? BECAUSE THEY MAKE MONEY FROM THAT!!!

Now you don't have to believe me but, when you look through usacomplaints.com. You will see that I am not the only one that has something to complain about, and there are even complaints for Melaleuca, the company that they work for and you'll even find things that are related to what the reps will tell you about on this web site. So please before yiou let these cheery group of girls suck YOU in do your research.

Company: M.O.M. Team
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Site: www.momteam.com
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