Harassment with no way to respond, paid service

Internet & Web

Allpoetry is just a website to create poetry, the comunity will work for one of the most part, how-ever the boards exisit. The "bar" may be the one under consideration below. The website includes a number of moderstors outstanding, who've the ability to "bar" at-will. It has become absurd. The bar has addmitted lovers, in addition to unpredictable people. The thinking from the operator of the site is we maintain them below so that they won't spill-over onto the remainder of the website. How-ever the harassment is overwheming, they constitute anything or consider anything out-of framework because they did me and operate withit, every single day, till although I'm a paying participant and purchased weeks ahead of time since many do, a platinum account. I'm barred from all community s at the moment for retaliating. You can't get these folks to prevent or log off of you. They are doing this repeatedly to people. You are able to join on the free account and proceed the bar community and encounter this individually, no-you don't need to create poetry. I really like to create and that I am not really a person quickly intimidated. How-ever easily had recognized how this technique worked which location exisited on all composition. Never could I've joined the hell-hole. The vocabulary is disgusting, dirty and so they never stop. When you enter it'll not allow you to proceed so long as you're about the site. WATCH OUT FOR ALL COMPOSITION A GOLD MEMBERSHIP IS 14.99 PER MONTH

The dog owner is gathering the cash and also the published misuse has ended whelming, once they spot a bar you and never the abusers simply because they earn money for that website, individuals prefer to come watching the things they do. Each press is cash paid by an advertisement, I'm considering. I'm furious and bewildered.

Country: USA
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The owner of the website recently did an upgrade that changed the site

Kevin Watt, Kevin Watt Through absurd rules and methodical ripp off methods this site violates the author rights
False advertising, prejudice and keeping monies by frauduland means. Changing rules and by laws for some and not others with out notification
They ripped me off

Creative Communication
Fraud and cheating
Scam—Howard Ely, Managing Editor
Unreceived paid for poetry book

Attempts To Extort Money International Society of Poets
Stolen poetry by new company