Excessive charges charges about three hundred dollars

Internet & Web

HI to whom it may concern

Ifriends is an adult site which i deeply regret ever going onto this site because it was nothing but hassels. I never went onto ifrinds it was their sister site jiggletv which yes i agree i went onto it and enjoyed a few goodtimes but they didn't give me any hassels when i wanted to cancel this site and they gave me their word that i wouldn't get any charges from here on. This was true until ifriends started charging me thirty dollars and change for a site membership that i dont have. It was very interesting to me that when i did go onto ifriends to log on it said that they don't recognize me on there site but do on jiggle tv. Please add jiggle tv to this report because until i cancelled my membership they too charged me alot for who knows what and i want it know that these two sites are a ripoff that i wish i hadn't come across. I can show several charges from my account that prove that i was over charged alot of money for things that i was not apart off. I just wont to warn others to avoid these two sites and to cancel any memberships associated to them because they will pick your hard earn money as quickely as you earn it.


Douglas Shaw

Company: Ifriends.com
Country: USA
Site: ifriends.com
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