Jean Jacques Ngoma Fake hangbad, took my money and never gave me back my refund. 419 scam artist washington

Internet & Web

This website sells fake hangbags and is out to steal your money. After you make a purchase their front man will contact you stating that the credit card you entered was incomplete and that he is only calling you to varify your informatin so he can process your purchase. It then took months before I recieved the shipement from them which was not the bag I bought.

The bag that was sent to me was a fake. After returning the fake bag to a Washington DC address; after multiple calls and messages left on this 804-545-1692 phone number I was told via email that my refund was being processed. Whenever I called I always got an answering machine, there is no way to speak to a live customer service representative except for when this contact man calls you with a smoke screen.

I would not trust this company, they are unreliable and will not give you back your refund even if you return the items you purchased within the time frame outlined by their emailed return procedure. Even if you call multiple times your calls will not be answered in a timely maner if at all.

Don't trust this website, especially when purchasing items costing over $100.00

Country: USA
State: Washington DC
Address: 1718 M street N. W. suite 106
Phone: 8045451692
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Consumer Report

They sell fake purses don't contact you back and still haven't received my refund. Crooks!

Sells FAKE goods and refuse to respond to my email China

Milaneze Company sells fake, low quality products, it has fraudulent return option and no money back for return. Customer service does not respond
Online Pahrmacy Called Is A True Rip Off! Sent me fake items and threatened me when I asked to return the items and get a refund. I Believe They Are In

Cougar Life
Claudia Opdenkelder Fake ads, messages to get you to buy premium membership
Claim you can return boots at anytime for any reason, yet will NOT provide return address! Theu display authentic sneakers on their website but ship counterfeit ones. They then refuse tp let you return them because they are fake!

Radowo Jasa
Consumer Report