Web site, Web Designer, Poor Quality, Unresponsive, Slow, Lousy Customer Service

Internet & Web

I chose Blazonco to do my website because they were very affordable. I found out that you get what you pay for. It was like pulling teeth to get the web designer to do anything. I would send him a list of ten things to do and he would do two. Then we would keep reworking the same list over and over and over again. Sometimes we would finish the list, but more often items simply were ignored.

The project started in September and should have been completed by February but dragged on into August. Accounting finally informed me that the site was done, even though it had no shopping cart, no registration capability, missing pages, overlapping text, invisible hyperlinks and unlinked images. They wanted to start billing me $60/month even though the site looked terrible and couldn't process transactions. I bailed out at that point because I had no confidence the site would ever be capable of handling my business.

Company: Blazonco
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Clemente
Address: 1387 Calle Almanza, San Clemente, CA 92673
Phone: 9492768180
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No work completed and they charged me 900.00 without my approval

Heritage Web Solutions
HIT Web Center Heritage took my money, didnt do the job and no refunds!

Jakub Rutkowski Good designer. Bad professional and a swindler. Poznan

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LR Designing and LM Designing
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Steve from dswtechnologies in india. The designer steve commited fraud claiming that he was a designer when in fact he was using other peoples work & templates. When we clearly asked for a custom job. We asked him to just end the project india

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Delores crooks and Angel Mann, owner and manager changing prices low on customers inventory list to purchase your items themselves. Their prices on Taga are $3.00 more than what they put on customer inventory list. They hold your checks for months w

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