Pzest.com And DatesNow Pty Ltd
Rebuttal to other Cases

Internet & Web

People want to look at pornographic material, yet they don't want to pay for it. Yes Pzest.com does provide a free trial period, but the terms and conditions, for those who obviously don't read them, state that you need to cancel your membership or you will be charged. This is what it says and you agree to it.

DatesNow is connected, and it is advertised in a pop-up screen that says basically yes I want to become a member unless I uncheck this box. Yet another thing people don't read.

You can't complain that you are being scammed if you can't take the time to read what the site says.
Don't say it doesn't say it, because I have used the site, and had no problems with cancelling my account, and there are many people who don't have a problem.

Not to be rude, but learn to read, and you won't have a problem. Alternatively, if you really think that you can have something for nothing, then you are only fooling yourself.

Quackal, Saskatchewan

Company: Pzest.com And DatesNow Pty Ltd
Country: Australia
Site: www.pzest.com
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