Advameg, Inc. Realtor Collusion Scheme and Malware Site that Harms Your Compute

Internet & Web

I was "banned" from this website merely for stating that I did not particularly like my town and my neighborhood. I couldn't understand why so I did some research and learned that the "moderators" at are all realtors.

The site exists as a collusion scheme for realtors to self-promote in order to get new clients. Each city's "moderators" are local realtors who only allow posts that talk about how great the city is and will delete any and all negative information - no matter how accurate - and ban the person who posted it.

Also after being banned, I was having problems with my internet browser. I ran some anti-virus and diagnostics and found that installed malware and spyware on my computer. I don't know if they do this to all users or only to "banned" users but either way it is very harmful and illegal.

Unfortunately the company is maintained offshore so it is difficult to impossible to have the owners of the site prosecuted in the United States (the fact that they're offshore is a dead giveaway that the site exists to conduct illegal activity).

I would advise all people to stay away from this site because:

1. The information is biased and carefully controlled by realtors with a monetary interest
2. The site will install malware/spyware on your computer without your consent
3. The site is owned by an offshore entity that clearly exists to conduct illicit activities

Country: USA
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