WLI Reservation Rewards - buy.com
WLI Reservation Rewards and buy.com RIP-OFF!

Internet & Web

Noticed a $7 charge on my VISA and called them to see what's up. Found out they've been charging me seen July and got really pissed off. Said I signed up for it when I bought something from Buy.com. Yelled and threatened them and finally got refund for all those charges back. JUST DON'T BACK DOWN! Can't believe these jerks to think they can get away with stuff like that.

Company: WLI Reservation Rewards - buy.com
Country: USA
Phone: 8886885995
Site: www.reservationrewards.com
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WLI Reservation Rewards, CheckCard Reservation Rewards
WLI Reservation Rewards, Check Card Reservation Rewards Fraudulant Billing

Reservation Rewards deceptive charging practices Nationwide

Ripoff JOANN.com GIVING YOUR CREDIT CARD INFO OUT to MWI Reservation Rewards a rip-off scam all over this website

Reservation Rewards

Reservation Rewards
Unauthorized charge to my check card

Ripoff Unauthorized charge through Reservation Rewards and Hotels.com Nationwide

WLI Reservation Rewards
Unauthorized charges

WLI Reservation Rewards
Unauthorized charge to credit card

Reservation Rewards
Sent me an e-mail welcoming me then charged my cc 11.00. I never signed up for anything Ripoff Internet

Reservation Rewards
Fraudulent credit card charges ripoff