Purporting To Be Ebay attempt to get passwords and account numbers

Internet & Web

We just recieved the following email from what appeared to come from a legitimate ebay email address

From: aw-confirm@ebay.com [mailto: aw-confirm@ebay.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 05 2:40 AM
Subject: eBay Regular Maintenance

We are currently performing regular maintenance of our security measures.
Your account has been selected for this maintenance.

Protecting the security of your eBay auction account is our primary concern,
and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Comments are welcomed!

In order to update your account information, you need to complete the following process!
If not, your account may behave unnormally and errors may occur without notification.

In order to complete the maintenance process press the following button:

Knowing ebay NEVER askes for personal info we forwarded it to the Trust and Safety dept. The response. Did not come from them and was a "spoof" email attempting to get our personal account info including pay pal account and password etc. They are now looking into it and take this form of fraud very seriously.
If you recieve this email DO NOT ANSWER IT. Foward to ebay Trust and Security.

Company: Ebay
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Jose
Site: ebay.com
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Email fraud Internet

Ebay (Account Issue - Response Required)
Beware of this phishing!

Rip-off! They admit they can't keep private info private

Ebay email scam
Ebay email look-alike, this is a scam! I received an email that looked exactly like an ebay web page telling me that my credit card had expired. Rip-off!

Phising scam

Security glitch allows email generation

Ripoff purchase automobile and paid for and did not recived automobile

Ripoff Unsupported suspension classified for security reasons

And PayPal secure? If you think so, you better read this! Ebay.com

Consumer Report