Canceled my account wanted to make sure they eliminated all of my info, wouldn't let me do that

Internet & Web

This company is a ripoff, they claim you can make money by reading your emails, the one's that pay the most are the one's where you are asked for your cc# and other info., this type of activity smells of instanaeous fraud to be commited almost from the get go. I cannot remember if I ever gave any of mine out, if so I am hoping that the will destroy all of it and remove permanently my email and all other info. I gave them. Period this is a scam, no company should ever ask you for your cc# to allow you to take a survey. Hopefully these people who own this company will be prosecuted, they are part of a company called Cotter Webb Ent. Out of Mn. Maybe the attorney general of that state should shut them down...

Company: Inbox
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
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Consumer Report

Withholding attempted identity theft info and banned me from paypal
They don't remove your profile even after asking several times! Ripoff

Caribbean Cruise Line Bahama Celebration

Google Pro - Scam
GOOGLE PRO - SCAM This company is a total SCAM and they are rude refused to give my money back and hung up on me!

Hartford Auto Club, Voice Vox
A Virtual TRAIN of rip off scams

Fraud Took cash out of my bank account without permission and without an service Vegas Nevada

Royal Travel Service
Possible scam ripoff

Not a company just personal
Consumer Report

Click Bank,, Sendearnings, Cotter Web Enterprises, Inc., InstantPaidSurveys
Click Bank,, Sendearnings, Cotter Web Enterprises, InstantPaid Defrauded of $34.95 by Stera's "fee for paid survey info". No info at all received, and no way to contact them