XP Security 2011
Software seizes control of computer to force purchase unknown

Internet & Web

While surfing on this very site on April Fools Day, my Internet Explorer suddenly told me my session had been unexpectedly terminated. And then the pop-ups started.

The first pop-up made it look like my Windows XP security was warning me of a threat. There was even a mention of Microsoft and a link to their privacy policy.

Then more pop-ups appeared at a dizzying speed. One told me it was scanning and another warned me that there 28 viruses found.
Closing all the pop-ups with Windows Task Manager did little to help as they continued to come back in seemingly random order. I tried using my Internet Explorer only to be told that whatever site I wanted was infected and that XP Security 2011 could remove the risk. I tried using my Google Chrome browser only to see the same message.

None of the web pages ever identified who was pulling this crap off. It soon became apparent that the only way to end the pop-ups was to purchase the software.

Well, maybe there was some other solution. The "Processes" tab of Windows task manager showed me that a program called "tyy. Exe" was running. I did not recall ever seeing that program before so I went looking to see where it resides. I found it in my Documents and Settings... Local SettingsApplication Data folder. It showed me that tyy. Exe had been created about an hour earlier. I used Windows Task Manager to end the tyy. Exe process and then deleted the file named tyy. Exe. The fact that my Internet Explorer allowed me to go back online and post this message is proof enough for me that I got rid of the right file.

I have heard of these kinds of programs before and never thought I would get hit with one. I do not know how it got on my PC but I hope my removal method works for anyone else who falls victim to this scam.

Company: XP Security 2011
Country: USA
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