Fuzed Services
Sharon Magnuson This company will take your money. They do not answer calls or return calls. Stay Away

Internet & Web

I contacted Sharon Magnuson to create a web site for my company. She requested half down on the project which was $1000. After a little over a month she finally got back to me with what she created. The site was very basic and poor looking. It was not what I requested at all and also not what she showed me it would be comparable to. The sites she has listed on her website are most likely not created by her. She told me if I kept the site she created she would not charge me the other half. I agreed and signed a contract to have her host the site for three years. After one month the site was taken off the internet and Sharon Magnuson has not answered her phone or returned any calls since. She is a scam artist and should not be in business. Watch out for the company and Sharon Magnuson. You will not be happy and will get ripped off.

Company: Fuzed Services
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
Phone: 6127014413
Site: fuzedservices.com
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