Data Appenders,, dataappendrs.Us sold me a database if rubbish

Internet & Web

Their Guarantee Isn't Worth The Paper It Is Printed On!

They sold me a 60,000 Name Database they said would be "100% Verified Emails" and 100% guaranteed. The promised to replace or refund any that weren't.

All I had to do was wire the money. (That was fishy but okay I went for it) It took them 3 weeks to get me the list. We verified it ourselves and found 87.6% BAD emails. We emailed the remainder and found none were in the industry we fact one was to a 16 year old girl!

Data Appenders (www.dataappenders.Us) Where did you get your list?

These people will steal from you and when you ask for a refund they hang up on you and never reply to another voice mail or email from you again.

STEER CLEAR of Data Appenders! Nancy Williams and Craig Parker are crooks!

Company: Data Appenders
Country: USA
State: Delaware
City: Wilmington
Address: 802 North West Street
Phone: 6464431311
  <     >  


Freedom Lists, elists.Us, freedommails.Us, etc. Database scam, email list scam, india scam

SixChannels, List Galaxy, Alex Cooper, Steve Sujith
Paid $3K for Unusable Email List, Did not Uphold Guarantee, Completely Ignored Requests for Resolution

Data Drips
Consumer Report

Data Depot - DataDepot or
Data Depot - DataDepot or DataDepot.Biz, Data Depot took $100.00 from me & is refusing to give it back!

Data Depot
Data depot, data depot sells bad data! St. Petersburg Florida

US Data Corporation
US Data Corp Technology company gets zero value for $2,000 from US Data Corp Mailing List. Outrageous Rip Off.US Data outrightly denies to repair or replace list

Data Depot - DataDepot or
Mailing List False Advertising/Fraud

One Source
Infousa Selling outdated DATA, mailing lists, e-mail address's, refuses to give credit when promised in writing

Provided email list that were mostly undeliverable, created huge spam issues

Consumer Base
Stalked and threatened by a person who had a list for 2 days