BBU Interservices
May Be Related to: Company stole 29.95 directly from our checking account using created check NO authorization

Internet & Web

Company made up a check for 29.95 against our account. Only name and account number was correct, address and everything else was completely bogus.

Here is a shock! JUST AS OTHERS HAVE REPORTED - our mortgage company is CENLAR formerly Taylor Bean and Whittaker. Any Ideas on who could have leaked the personal info, doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this one out.

Local Police report has been written.

Banks have been informed.

Cenlar denies any information leak. They had our info, now some online porn site processor does. Who will have it next?

Company: BBU Interservices
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Silver Prings
Address: 840 HWY 95
Phone: 8663263568
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BBU Interservices
Bbu interservices stole $29.95 out of my checking account

Bbu interservices
Fraudulently charged 29.95 to my checking account

Bbu interservices
I think it might be the mortgage companies subservicer cenla

BBU Interservices
$29.95 charge to my checking account through Cenlar Mortgage (

Bbu interservices
Fraudulent, electronically authorized check for 29.95 from my bank account. It appears many people across the nation have experienced the same thing. Several mentioned a connection to Cenlar Mortgage

BBU Interservices
Stole $29.95 out of my checking account