Internet & Web

Een getting billed buy said company and have called and told them stop payments they said ok then have been billing me still and now the number and contact info i have for then does not work but they still billed me this month.

Company: EPOCH.com
Country: USA
Phone: 8008938871
Site: epoch.com
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They keep billing my credit card for 38.41 a month after I've tried canceling many times. Cpcinc

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Rk Net Media
Epoch is billing me for something i never authorized. I called the number and they could not tell me exactly what it was i was paying 24.95 a month for. I did some research and there are many more people having the same problem

Epoch ete etc CHASE Bank (VISA) caught this before I saw it on my statement. These people have billed me at least 5 time for $29.98 and I have no idea what for! Fraud!

Continues to bill by credit card $39.95 q month for their services and i have no idea what i am being charged for, nor do i want it. Will probably have to cancel my credit card and hopefully this will stop california

I started getting billed on my credit card & I don't know what for At times I was billed multiple times

Credit card billing

Memltvvent.com - Epoch.com
Those company's have billed me for purchases i did not order

Twxaol - Wli*shoppersdiscount - Wli*resert
Reservationrewards - shoppersdiscount and AOL billed my account 3 times, for a total of $46 even after I emailed them to stop billing me They all billed at the same time of the day and on the same date. I think my account number was sold to AOL