, Inc
Investorshub. / investors message board riddled with fraudsters

Internet & Web

I was a member of IHUB (Investorshub) for a long time before I got booted for raising questions about the employment of a criminal staff member (Matt Brown) who pleaded guilty to multiple counts of fraud and money laundering (currently awaiting sentencing) Yet the company apparently still employs this individual on a high level as they still write in their Admins section: "IH Sensei Mattis the "idea" guy. His brilliant plans are what keeps the site cutting edge."

This is indicative for the entire discussion forum. With the exception of a few posters (on the forum often labeled as 'bashers') that try to warn new and unexperienced investors about falling for a plethora of hyped pump and dump schemes, IHUB encourages stock promoters to "pump" their penny stocks on individual forums by promoting them on the Home page as "Top 15 active Stock Market Forums" as well as various advertising spots sold to many of those pump and dump companies.

Of course it is beneficial for IHUB to increase their readership by not only allowing but also promoting questionable forums. At the same time, the companies staff refuses to take any responsibility of the contents posted in those forums while at the same time sensoring it by banning or booting individuals that don't fit their personal agenda.

In the meantime the numbers are piling up in scams such as Universal Express, CMKX Diamonds, Spongetech etc. With losses to investors in the millions of dollars for each of these scams. I can't even remember how many days Spongetech for example held the #1 spot on IHUB's home page.

If you are a serious investor who doesn't want to lose your money, stay away from sites like IHUB that is irresponsibly managed by fraudulent staff with questionable ethics.

Company:, Inc
Country: USA
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Scam and cheating!, Inc
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