Recommend Spokeo to your stalker, he'll never find you

Internet & Web

The small 2.95 per month charge has managed to put my bank account into the negatives in excess of 200 dollars in a matter of 3 days.

I signed up for this site because my wife is the victim of domestic violence from her ex-husband. Unfortunately, she also needs to maintain an online presence for her career. I was hoping that we would be able to monitor exactly how much information was out there and make sure that her business contacts could still reach her without revealing information about our home address, activities, and children.

After 10 minutes of using the service I would have cancelled anyway. The reports we old and out of date at best, and in two instances the site meshed my wife's information with that of another woman with the same name. If my wife's ex-husband would come after her using the info on this site my wife would be completely safe, however a completely innocent woman could possibly be injured just because she shares my wife's name.

Furthermore, the advertised monthly fee of 2.95 per month that is so obviously splashed over their plans page is charged at one time. This fact is not placed in any obvious place, in fact it is NOWHERE on the plans page at all. 35.40 will be deducted immediately.in our case this meant that several small charges handled via debit card bounced, netting us over 200 dollars in insufficient funds fees.

When customer services was contacted the operator (quite rudely) announced that no refunds were given, ever, for any reason. She refused to allow us to talk to her supervisor. Basically Spokeo gave me an inferior product, used unethical advertising methods, provided poor customer service, and completely refused to stand behind their product.

I wouldn't recommend this company to my worst enemy, but if I chose to I could rest safely knowing that he would never find me using this service.

Company: Spokeo
Country: USA
Site: spokeo.com
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What little information Spokeo does have is typically old and of no use

Consumer Report

Spokeo Spokeo Automatically Brings You Friends' Updates Together
Spokeo Automatically Brings You Friends' Updates Together Over charged, then after using it less then 5 minutes, wanted a refund, they said no, "its a service so no refunds."

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Consumer Report

Spokeo people search Very inaccurate information

Deceptive advertising of monthly subscription fee, then they charge you for a full year at $59.40

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Consumer Report

Consumer Report