Jackson Marshall child support Alpha Method
Jackson Marshall child support Alpha Method stoppayingchildsupport.com Stop Paying Child Support.com SCAM

Internet & Web

Iwas ripped off by this scam Jackson Marshall person. I purchased the book "Alpha Method" fromstoppayingchildsupport.com. This method claims to be able to stop child support. I should have known better than to purchase this, as it was a complete scam and not even possible to end or stop child support. This guy Jackson Marshall tells you to ask for a verbal agreementfrom your ex to stop the child support order or give up parental custody visitation rights. What a joke!!! What a ridiculous solution that doesn't work and isn't even legal. No surprise that there is no phone number listed for this service or website. The first sign of a scam is people that hide their phone number. If you found their website beware as you will get nothing for the $37 they are asking for false hopes and a joke of a supposed child support book. I sent several emails and never got an email response, big surprise there. Thisperson is a fraud, and trying to sell material they have no clue what they are talking about. Thisperson Jackson Marshallin my opinion isa thieftrying to steal from people. StopPayingChildSupport.com is a scam. You will be ripped off if you buy this garbage child support Alpha Method book from them.

Company: Jackson Marshall child support Alpha Method
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: West cornwall
Address: Box 174 River Road west cornwall Connecticut 06796
Site: stoppayingchildsupport.com
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Stop Paying Child Support.com Jackson Marshall child support book Alpha Method SCAM

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