V2Premier, Viscom, Shop NBC
Ripoff, dishonest, fraud, sneaky, lemon

Internet & Web

We purchased the V2Premier computer system for $2,000.00 on Shop NBC. My husband is knowledgable about computers and said it was a great deal. Little did we know that we were conned.

The computer worked ok until the 30 day mark hit. Low and behold, we had numerous problems and found it to be very difficult to get technicians to call us back. On many occasions we were told by a representative that a technician would call us within 24 hours. Most of the time that never happened and we would have to call back. A few times we were actually able to talk to a technician and would set up appointments to have the computer looked at. Then, we would get stood up. Once a technician was able to come look at the computer, they informed us that the motherboard was bad.

We shipped the motherboard back once we finally received the authorized shipping label. When we received the new motherboard, which we were told had to be installed in a timely fashion, it took quite a while to get ahold of anybody to come and install it.

Each time a technician came to our home to look at the computer, they themselves told us what junk the computer was, but told us they couldn't go on record saying so in fear of losing business.

At one point we were so frustrated that we spent an additional $100 and shipped the computer back ourselves. To our dismay, Viscom refused our shipment due to an unautorized shipping label.

We proceeded to contact Viscom and Shop NBC and even offered to pay for the computer in whole if they replaced the lemon that was sent to us. They would not go for that.

Lo and behold we had another problem with the computer and the technician that came out somehow was able to get Viscom to agree to send a shipping label to send the tower back. We used this opportunity to send the whole computer back. We took pictures of the contents of the box for proof that it was packaged correctly.

Today we received a letter dated 11/18/03 (today's date is 12/10/03) stating that we sent the whole system back without proper authorization, and due to insufficient packaging, the computer was "damaged". They also stated that if we do not contact them within 90 days, that our warranty will be null and void and that Viscom will no longer be responsible for the computer.

I am positive that they sent the letter to a wrong address in hopes of stalling the arrival of the letter due to the 90 day time frame. It just so happens that the address they originally sent it to was the address of my husbands ex-wife, who in turn mailed it to us. Might I add that Viscom was never given that address from us, and that they have our current address as they sent the authorized shipping label for the tower to our new home. This just shows how sneaky this rip-off of a company is.

Company: V2Premier, Viscom, Shop NBC
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: Chaska
Address: 4064 Peavey Rd
Phone: 9523682400
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Viscom Technology Group Inc, V2Premier.com, Shop NBC
Ripoff, I purchased an expensive computer over $2000 Viscom Technology Group Inc through Shop NBC which is an affiliate of the mother station NBC Chasca

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