This website is a rip off

Internet & Web

This site is just a rip-off. It promotes products are "for sale" half-down. I put an order that involved a DIRECTED Super Strobelight battery run. It had been outlined at an authentic cost of $29.98 and for sale for $14.99. Once the purchase came the presentation container of the strobelight had a preprinted cost of $9.99 onto it. Makes me wonder exactly what the unique costs of all of the products should be. Buyer Beware... This site lies.

Company: Halloweencostumes4u.com
Country: USA
Site: halloweeneffects.us
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Forever 21
Refund policy

Super Care Products
Super Care Products 22 Chelford Raod Sale, Cheshire M33 2X4 Manchester, United Kingdom Funds not returned even though purchase was paid through CCNOW

Australianuggboots.com. au
This site is quite obviously misleading and I am one extremely disappointed custome

Don't do business with these people

Mismatched, rat-chewed unwearable product!

Simply Posh
Simplyposh. Moonfruit.com Sells cheap knockoff name brands claiming them to be "100% Authentic". Sloooooow delivery and worse quality. Buyer beware


Bbv Discount Book Sale
Unauthorized transaction

Alihello.com www.alihello.com fraudulant website, will charge credit card & cannot be contacted

HD Camera World
Fraudulent Business Practices