Charter charged me for a free trial

Internet & Web

Since I can't be bothered explaining the situation all over again, here's the chat I had with them (I have removed private information):

You have been connected to TTD Shelah.
TTD Shelah: Thank you for contacting Charter Communications. This is Shelah. How may I assist you today?
Mayan Orgel: Hi, My bill is higher that it's supposed to be and I'd like to know why that is
TTD Shelah: I undestand that your bill has increased. I will certainly get this cleared up for you.By the time this chat session ends, you should be able to fully understand your bill.
TTD Shelah: Can you please verify the phone number, the name, and the complete service address on the account?
Mayan Orgel:
Mayan Orgel:
Mayan Orgel:
TTD Shelah: Thank you. May I know who I am chatting with?
Mayan Orgel: Mayan
TTD Shelah: Thank you, Mayan.
TTD Shelah: For security reasons, may I please have the Security Code? It is located at the upper right corner of your bill.
Mayan Orgel: I don't keep my bills, I access them online
TTD Shelah: I understand. Can I ask for the answer to this question
Mayan Orgel:
TTD Shelah: Thanks.
TTD Shelah: Mayan, kindly confirm your contact email address. We will be sending important notifications to you through email.
Mayan Orgel:
TTD Shelah: Thank you, Mayan.
TTD Shelah: It shows here on the account that this increase was when you upgraded your internet package to 8meg.
TTD Shelah: There is a partial charge for $5.00 and your mothly charge is for $29.99.
Mayan Orgel: I was offered a 1 month free trial for that
Mayan Orgel: what's the $5 for?
TTD Shelah: Unfortunately, there is no notes on the account about this one month offer. This is for the billing cycle 9/1-9/15.
TTD Shelah: Let me inform you that your account balance is $34.99. This covers the billing period 09/16/10-10/15/10. Your billing due date falls every 26th of the month. The last payment posted on your account is $13.58 last 08/23/10. Your billing statement is printed every 6th of the month. Furthermore, your next bill for the billing cycle 10/16-11/15 will approximately be $29.99, unless changes will be made on the account.
Mayan Orgel: Well, I never asked for that upgrade. I was offered a 1 month trial
Mayan Orgel: Since you record your calls, you can find my call in the log and see for yourself
TTD Shelah: I am sorry for this, but I can't access the recorded calls.
TTD Shelah: There was a note on the account on 9/1 that you upgraded the service.
Mayan Orgel: I do not accept a charge for something I did not authorize
Mayan Orgel: I only authorized a one month free trial
Mayan Orgel: nothing more than that
Mayan Orgel: I called technical support because my internet wasn't working
Mayan Orgel: during the call they offered me a one month free trial
Mayan Orgel: which I accepted
Mayan Orgel: I did not call for any upgrade, nor did I request it
TTD Shelah: I am really sorry about this but there is a note that you agreed to upgrade the service but there is no note about the one month free trial.
Mayan Orgel: that's not my problem. If your reps don't know how to do their job, penalize them, not me
Mayan Orgel: I have in my notes that you owe me $15,000, 000. Does tht mean you really do owe it to me? I don't think so
Mayan Orgel: If you can't access the call logs, then please connect me with someone who can.
TTD Shelah: I really apologize for this. Since you did agree with this upgrade, it can be changed back to the speed you had before. Unfortunately, I will not also be able to change the package back to 1meg. I advised you to call 1-888-438-2427.
Mayan Orgel: I don't want to call since obviously your phone reps make false notes and mess up my account. All I agreed to is a one month free trial. I do not accept any extra charges for this nor do I want to keep the upgrade.
Mayan Orgel: If this is not something that you can do, please connect me with someone who can
TTD Shelah: I can transfer you to our account specialist. Would you like me to transfer you now?
Mayan Orgel: sure
TTD Shelah: One moment, please.
TTD Shelah has left the session.
Please wait while we find an agent from the CHAT - MDVL - RETENTION department to assist you.
All agents are currently busy. Please stand by.

Company: Charter
Country: USA
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