Usight - Randy Judd
And Agents ripoff misleading misrepresentation and nondisclosure of all perinent information as to true nature of what has become fraud from the beginning

Internet & Web

Attended a seminar in bethlehm, june of inticed into signing up to sell websites, vacation packages, and travel services as a lucrative business highly in need by business. Randy judd etal presented us with several packages at various prices.
However they misrepresented the total costs which we discovered were more then what was presented to us for their services.

They lied to as to what we were to receive regarding web space, places and types of vacations involved, hidden costs for e-commerce merchant accounts and transfer fees etc.

When we realized their fraud, we immediately sent a cancellation notice and contacted our credit card co. Explaining that we would not pay as the transaction was a fraud from the beginning and therefore no contract exists as there was never full disclosure on the part of usight and its agents. The credit card co. Is now a co-conspirator with usight and maybe in violation of RICO law as it will not re credit our card.

Company: Usight - Randy Judd
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Orem
Address: 727 North 1550 Suite 300
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E-penzio, USight
USight E-penzio Vacation ripoff victimized many consumers


Another Usight ripoff victim
Don't provide what they advertise

Rip off scam artists

Ripoff deceptive company ripoff fraud business

Ripoff fradulant offers of assistance only want additional credit info to bill you not interested in customer success

USight, Epenzio, Home Inc, Syd Sperry, Bridgeview
USIGHT, other companies nothing but FRAUD - don't buy from them!

Ecommerce Solutions seminar rip-off nationwide
Testimonials in their T.V. Ads are BOGUS! Consumer ripoff